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M&S Distributors

When you examine the reason for consistent success in most companies, the outstanding quality, an interest in their customers, and a very good service. This was the determined aim of Ron Slater and George Mordue when they started M&S Distributors in 1982 to stock and sell fixings and fasteners.

This was the determined aim of Ron Slater and George Mordue when they started M&S Distributors in 1982 to stock and sell fixings and fasteners.

Over the years, the sons of the original partners have joined and taken over the running of M&S and have inherited the same concern for good service, still mostly with local firms and look to provide a same day delivery service.

As the turnover and stock range has grown, the computer system which was a combination of Sage and a next day stock information system became inadequate. They looked for a powerful modern system to give them instant information on virtually every aspect of the business. Which is be very easy with the latest Microsoft features such as key performance indicators and workflow rules.

They selected the Sharp-aX suite of management and accounting software from Sharp-aX Computer Systems in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire in October 2012.

“The installation has gone very well”, says Mark Slater, “and it has saved us a lot of time and made us more efficient especially on the sales desk. We plan to grow the system over the next few years as the company grows.”

Interestingly, they use the Sharp-aX document management system to reduce paper storage. By using system printed bar coding for document identification and retrieval – the paperless office has finally arrived!

The original starters of the company have retired, but still take an active interest, coming in frequently, and they are justifiably proud of the top class customer service that their sons have continued.  Read more


MS Distributors

Posted: 8th December 2016

Posted in: Fixings and fasteners

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