Sharp-aX Computer Systems Limited tired of the failed government graduate schemes so sourced their first graduate via a local recruitment company.

Tim Ogden gained a degree in computers (an IT Practitioner). He came for interview in the hope of becoming a software developer. Tim agreed he knew little or nothing about anything to do with business processes or commerce and would struggle to progress with so little commercial know how.

Regardless, Tim displayed an exciting and unusual level of confidence and keenness to learn and we recognised that he would very quickly become a valuable asset to the Sharp-aX company.
Over the months Tim worked hard and gained experience in all departments commencing with admin/accounts, software support, sales, training and consultancy and finally web development.
It was in this department that he was able to realise his goal in life – to become a Web Developer.
Tim is currently studying towards a Zend professional qualification in PHP and will commence a Masters in May for Web Design and Mobile Development Technologies.
Tim said “I have found my role and I am the happiest I have ever been.”
During this time, we asked Tim if he knew anyone else who might be interested in becoming a Sharp-aX Corporate Graduate – he said no.
All his friends were far too busy playing games until 3:00am in the morning and staying in bed until 3:00pm in the afternoon. Next day – he said yes – I thought of one person.
This was Alison Luk, like Tim smart, keen to please, works hard, gained a degree in computers (an IT Practitioner) but again had little business experience and again no idea of what she wanted to do with her career.
We liked Alison immediately with the her beautiful smile and ability to blend in and please – we employed her in August 2017.
She very quickly displayed an artistic ability creating website banners during her time with the web team but this department was not for her.
She continued her different departmental training but not settling anywhere until she joined the last department – the Sharp-aX software development team – she developed a rapport with the Team Leader and has since become a full time Systems Analyst Tester.
Alison sees this as a significant step and will shortly commence a Masters in Software Engineering.
Alison said “I am happy – I am learning the software and I am useful but I also get to use my artistic skills with the web team too.”
We are very proud of our Corporate Graduates and they are grateful to us for being allowed to filter their way through our various departments, gaining knowledge, learning to work in different teams and environments and to have such a good start to their careers within the software industry.
We are also equally proud to claim success with our determination to help young people to work if they want to.

We would ask anyone reading this article to contact your local universities and colleges or better still use social media (LinkedIn & Facebook) to make contact and “give our young people a chance of a fulfilling and rewarding future.”
Jean Freeman
Sharp-aX Computer Systems Limited.
Posted: 3rd November 2017
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