Reporting for Business

Do you know : Who are your best customers?  Your best selling products?  Who ‘unusually’ didn’t pay you?

Using Sharp-aX your staff are no doubt busy carrying out their day to day tasks with efficiency and confidence!


What are you doing with all the data being generated?

Sharp-aX offers a range of different reporting approaches and we can help you to use your data in so many different ways.

Standard Forms & Reports

A form is designed to receive a piece of data at a time and will split multiple objects into separate pages automatically, such as invoices, statements,  delivery notes, purchase orders etc – all of which may be amended easily.
Use your forms to promote special offers and seasonal campaigns.

A report is best suited to any data where you either need to see all the individual detail in a suitable order or a summary of the same information.

Commonly used reports include Aged Debtors/Creditors reports, Stock Valuation, Trial Balance, Customer Turnover etc.

Sharp-aX also has the option to create SQL views within the system to speed up calculation and processing.  This is often necessary if you’re analysing whole years’ worth of data and grouping it together.

Pivot Reports
A pivot report is a type of report which is used to answer any question which can be phrased as “what is X by Y by Z”.

For example if you want to know your Sales by Stock Item by Month, then a Pivot report is the best approach.

A Pivot report is also perfect for drilling down into data to answer specific questions,  for example – to identify customers who are spending less?

Create a pivot report to provide Customer Spend by Month, and then once you’ve identified the customers who are spending less visually, drill into the detail to find out if it is particular stock items they have stopped purchasing?

A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is an ideal monitoring tool used to compare the same data at two different points in time.  Use this to identify increasing or decreasing sales.

Similarly monitor core behaviours within the company, such as number of orders still to be shipped and overall value of orders still outstanding etc.

Call us now – we are here to help you get maximum benefit from the data you are creating.

Posted: 20th June 2019

Posted in: Blog, General News, Sharp-aX

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